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  • Jay Tee

Group Tour or Private Tour—Which is best?

When deciding between joining a large tour/cruise excursion or hiring your own private tour guide, it is important to weigh the pros and cons of each option. Large tour groups are often the most cost-effective choice, providing a sense of security and a fixed itinerary. With each step preplanned, you can rest assured knowing when and where you will be going, as well as when you will return. Cruise excursions even offer the guarantee of returning to the ship before it sets sail.

Large tour groups can consist of anywhere from 20 to 40 people, leading to a feeling of being rushed as everyone tries to keep up with the guide. The tour may attempt to visit many locations in a short time, so that all guests have time to do at any one location is snap a photo and run to catch up with the guide again. For those seeking a more intimate and leisurely exploration of their destination, private tour guides provide a unique opportunity to delve deeper into the local culture and history.

On the other hand, private tour guides offer a more personalized experience with smaller groups ranging from one to ten people. These tours are highly focused on the guests, allowing for flexibility in the itinerary based on your preferences. With smaller group sizes, guests can also ask more questions, interact with the guide on a personal level, and truly savor each moment without feeling rushed. Private tours have the flexibility to adjust the schedule on the fly, allowing for the weather, making spontaneous detours or taking extended stops at particularly captivating sites. This level of customization and attention to detail can make for a truly unforgettable and enriching travel experience.

While private tours may come at a higher cost, the benefits of a tailored experience may outweigh the expense. Many individuals find that after experiencing a private small-group tour, they are unlikely to return to large group tours. Ultimately, the decision between a large tour excursion and a private tour guide depends on your preferences and priorities. Consider the level of personalization and flexibility you desire, as well as your budget, when making this choice.


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