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  • Jay Tee

How Safe is Japan... really?

It's safe enough in Japan to stagger home alone through the half-lighted streets to your apartment, rather drunk, at 3:00am, while carrying a considerable sum of cash in your wallet . . . (Don't ask me how I know that!)

Seriously, the violent crime rate in Japan is about one FORTIETH (1/40) of that measured in typical USA cities and towns. Most of that violence occurs within families and workplaces, too. Random violence to strangers is extremely rare, and mostly limited to bar fights.

I'm sometimes booked for my tours by solo travelers, and not one has expressed any concern or had any bad experiences here. One last year had lost his wallet, and within a few hours it was turned in to his hotel front desk anonymously, with all contents intact (cash, credit cards and ID untouched). But he'd evidently left his hotel receipt in it, and that's how the finder tracked him down. Why dropped off anonymously? Because being thanked for that would've been too embarrassing, most likely.


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